LOGISTIKA magazine organizes in 2022

10. Anniversary Logistics Business Conference

За 10 години Логистичната бизнес конференция се утвърди като важен международен форум, който събира мениджъри и експерти от всички индустрии. Бяхме достатъчно смели, за да ви съберем дори в двете пандемични години в София Ивент Център. Тази есен на 11 октомври отново ви каним да бъдем заедно на престижната бизнес среща, с право наричана THE LOGISTICS EVENT OF THE YEAR.

Now again we will exchange ideas, share good practices, and show the way to sustainable solutions.

For 2022, we chose the topic:


We decided this not only because 10 is the number of the infinite creative potential of people as well as their courage to trust their intuition and experience, but also because we are confident that boldness is the energy of innovative solutions for the future. By tradition we will surprise you with new visionaries and experts in different processes in the supply chains who will give answers to the questions of the present day.

The focus, which will unite presentations and discussions, falls upon:

Discussion: How Are Strategies for Sustainability and Connectivity Transformed into Business Perspectives?
Rearrangement: Risks, Visions, and Decisive Moves in the Supply Chains
Green Logistics: Electromobility and Intermodality
• Next Generation Logistics: Fast and Connected in the Global World
Refresh: Intelligent Technologies and Process Automation

In front of the hall

An trade exhibition takes place with the Conference

The Logistics Business Conference is traditionally accompanied by a special Expo Zone, allowing companies to present their products and services for transport and logistics.

Our goal as organisers  is to present to managers and specialists from all branches to learn first-hand about successful transport and logistics solutions which will enable them to create their own strategies for advancement in the new today, and in the new tomorrow.
